Harmonys speaker for indoor and outdoor use
- Programmed messages (break, team rotation) or live announcements (call from an employee) via a microphone
- Bells, announcements, alerts (to ensure compliance with break times and work schedules, set the pace on a production line or chain, report any danger, evacuation or explosion...)
- Speaker available in wall-mounted version for indoor use (offices and hallways of administrative buildings, locker rooms) or as a sound projector for outdoor use (car park, production workshop)
- Sound power of the speakers from 90 to 110 decibels
- Protection index: IP 54, IK08 (strong dust resistance in carpentry workshops)
- Operating temperature: -20°C to +55° (specifically designed to withstand climatic conditions of food processing factories)
- Audio streaming (via a computer) and background music
- System functioning via our Bodet master clock
More information at:

Services et Aménagement de l’EntrepriseDescription
Bodet Time conçoit et fabrique en France des horloges industrielles, systèmes audio et d'alertes, serveurs de temps pour les entreprises. En France ou à l'étranger, Bodet a déjà équipé de nombreuses PME/PMI ou groupes industriels. Toutes ces solutions permettent de :- rythmer et opt...